Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holy. Crap. Exclamation Point

It's official: I am the bitchiest human being on the planet. A guy friend of mine just told me he's in love with me... and I can't reciprocate the feeling. And the worst part is that 50% of my feelings are anger towards him. Like, why couldn't he let things be when he knows I'm not into him like that? I mean, I've been told before that guys I didn't like thought I was cute, sweet, smart... I can deal. But in love??? That's taking it to a whole other level, one that I do not understand how to deal with. All I know is that I can't tell him anything but lies. Me, who's usually so outspoken against fake people and bullcrap, can't tell the truth to one guy

You Take My Hand and Drag Me Headfirst, Fearless

I am currently awake at almost 4 AM watching Taylor Swift on Youtube and obsessing over auditions for my school TV station's anchor positions. The butterflies in my gut are whispering how stupid this is, but Taylor tells me to be fearless, so I'll go with my wife and soulmate's advice on this one. Screw it. Besides, do I really want to give my jealous fans the satisfaction of not showing up? That's what haters are, really: fans who become too jealous. Therefore, what is there to hate about them? They are merely professing their admiration the only way they know how. One of the best things about being in theater is that you eventually lose all your pride, because of the silly vocal and physical warmups you have to do. At this point, I think nothing of it. So why am I still worrying about this? Well, as Taylor Swift would say, "These things will change." One more shout-out to my love: <3 <3 <3